mandag den 20. maj 2013

Lesson03 - A fable

Nedenfor finder i et uddrag af en kursist-besvarelse.
Meningen er at den skal kunne hjælpe jer med jeres arbejde til mdtl. eksamen, hvis I nu skulle være såheldig at trække en tekst med det pågældende tema.

A Fable

Robert Fox
/The Lift

1: Where does the story take place?
The story takes place in the subway, in a Manhattan train.
2: Where is the young man going?
He is going to work. It is the very first day at his new job.
3: What does he look like?
He looks good. He is wearing neatly clothes and is newly shaved.
4: What mood is he in?
He is in a good mood. He was excited about the new job, but also a little bit nervous, because he didn’t exactly new what his job would be like. He loved the world and every person he passed by, he was almost euphoric because of the new job.
5: What is the weather like – is that of any importance to the story?
It is a fine and clear day. No, it is not really important for the story, as it takes place in the subway.
6: What does the young girl look like, and where is she going?
The girl is a beautiful blond. She’s got nice and soft skin. The young boy feels attracted to her by the first at her.
7: Why do you think the mother tells her daughter not to answer the young man – what do you think of her advice?
8: How does the young man get into contact with the girl?
He finds her very attractive, and tells her that he is in love with her. He wants to marry her.
9: Describe the mother’s feelings when she says, “I knew it, I knew it.”
She told her daughter that the boy was in love with her. She knew because he kept staring at her. And when he blushes at sits down beside the girl, she knows she is right.
10: What does the young man tell the girl?
He tells her that she is beautiful, and that he loves her. The young boy also ask (asks) [ental] her if she wants to marry him.
11: How does the girl respond to his advice?
At first she doesn’t really know what to answer him. She tells him that she does not know, and that he would have to ask her mother first.
12: What happens when the young man ask the mother for her daughter’s hand?
When he asks the mother, she doesn’t hear him at first, the train is too noisy. So he askes her again, and this times he yells it out, without noticing that the train is all quiet now. The passengers smiles at him and starts applauding.
This time she hears him. She reacts surprised, asking him if he is crazy.
But the she starts asking him questions. She asks him why she wants to marry her daughter, and if he has a job.
Then she turns to ask her daughter if she wants to marry the young boy too, and why she wants to marry him.
13: Why does the young man want to marry the girl – what do you think of his reasons?
He just wants to marry her, because he loves her.
It’s a great reason to marry someone, but if they were totally strangers before the train-ride, maybe it’s not pure love, but rather fascination.
14: What kind of questions does the mother ask the young man? What do you think of her questions?
The mother asks the boy why he wants to marry her daughter. And she asks him if he have a job and a car.
I find the first question of big relevance. It’s important when you get married, that you love each other. Otherwise it’s not a good idea. It can be important to have a job for him, if his wife to be is at home all day he needs to bring home money to provide for his family. It is especially important if they want to start a family at some point. 
15: How does the story end? What kind of book does the conductor carry in his hands? What role is he going to play?
The story end with the 2 young people agrees to get married.
The conductor comes with his bible under the arm, and is ready to marry the two. Convenient that the conductor is also a minister ;-)

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