mandag den 20. maj 2013

Lesson04 - Say Yes

Nedenfor finder i et uddrag af en kursist-besvarelse.
Meningen er at den skal kunne hjælpe jer med jeres arbejde til mdtl. eksamen, hvis I nu skulle være såheldig at trække en tekst med det pågældende tema.

Say Yes

Tobias Wolfe
The Lift 

  1. Ann believes in true love and love is enough in a marriage. Ann believes that her marriage would be the same if she was black. Her values are love and equality between people. The fight begins with those values.
I seemed that Ann’s point of view is very black and with. But the couple’s meanings are for and against.  
I think that Ann is around forty. Her husband comments in the text, in another thirty years they would both be dead.

  1. Ann’s husband seems to be a good husband. He represents the good man in the beginning, and Ann’s friend likes him for being a helpful man. In the fight he comes with those conservative and racist opinions. His opinions hurt Ann, and the real love she believe in.
The husband regret after the fight. He ashamed that Ann had let him get into a fight. He promised that he will make it up for her.

  1. Ann and her husband’s marriage are like a lot of marriages. They love each other and they have something to discuss over the dishwashing.
  2. The point of view is when the husband said no to marriage her if she was black. The effect is separate time; Ann tries to read a magazine, and the husband clean up the house. After the point of view there are a lot of feelings between the couple, like anger and indifference.
  3. The title is, Say Yes. It is a hugs wish, that Ann’s husband just would say yes to marriage her if she was black. For Ann’s husband it would be easier just to say yes. And in that case would the conflict be over. The title represents a wish and the easy way out.
  4. The main themes are love and racism. I think is a part of both themes, and how it can be complicated in a mix.
  5. Ann’s husband tells in the end about a felling like Ann is a stranger. The relationship is change. He knows there is something to built, because of the split meanings.


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